Milena Nikolova

Professor in the Economics of Well-being


STATEC Lecture on Robots and Tasks. Here.

Studium Generale on the Future of Work. Here. 
Video from the UN-Habitat meeting on quality of life. Here. 
ISQOLS Webinar on automation and work meaningfulness. Here.
Interview with France24 on self-employment and the future of work. Here. 
Interview with Luca Andriani on the long-term consequences of communism for life satisfaction. Here. 
Curious about my research? Watch here my Research Minute video. 
Presentation of "Stalin and the Origins of Mistrust" at ASSA 2021 (starts at 27:54). Here.
RUG Economists Panel #3. Here. 
Lessons from the rise in self-employment. The Sound of Economics, Bruegel (24 August, 2022) 
Some examples of media mentions... 
Becoming Your Own Boss Appears To Be Good For Your Health by Dinah Wisenberg Brin, Forbes (September 17, 2018). 
Does Older Equal Happier? by (April 27, 2018). 
4 things Tony Bennett can teach boomers about happiness by Catey Hill. MarketWatch. (5 August, 2016). 
Happiness Requires Opportunity, Not Just Contentment by Carol Graham. Brookings Social Mobility Memos. (January 5, 2015). 
The happiness curve by Robert J. Samuelson. The Washington Post. (December 7, 2014). 
The Real Roots of Midlife Crisis by Jonathan Rauch.  The Atlantic. (December 2014) 
Secret to retiree happiness: Part-time work by Matthew Heimer. MarketWatch. (April 11, 2014). 
The data are in: Life under Putin is a continuous downward spiral into despair by Christopher Ingraham. The Washington Post Wonkblog. (April 1, 2014). 
Pursuing Happiness: Social Mobility and Well-Being by Carol Graham. Brookings Social Mobility Memos. (October 24, 2013). 
A new social contract to protect against shocks by Kemal Derviş. World Economic Forum. (July 22, 2013). 
The next social contract by Kemal Derviş. Project Syndicate. (July 18, 2013). 
Jobs Lost Hit 5 Million With Rigged Currencies: Cutting Research by Simon Kennedy. Bloomberg. (January 4, 2013).